Chambéry Cyclisme Formation

Chambéry Cyclisme Formation
Chambéry Cyclisme Formation forms a single whole, ensuring that riders are brought up in the best possible conditions for a future as professional cyclists, while at the same time ensuring personal and academic development to anticipate the demands of the future world that awaits them. CCF is the only individual sports training center to offer this.
Since 2001
The training center celebrates its 22nd anniversary: 22 years of commitment, 22 years of emotions, victories, defeats and learning. In 22 years, we have seen 47 riders join the professional ranks. In 2023, 27 are active in 8 different World Teams.
The dual project
This is one of the most important features of the center: the dual project of sports and academic/professional training. On average, the academic success rate of our riders is 80.3%, with an average level of study equivalent to bachelor’s degree + 2.8.